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powder courage

When one takes pre-workout or hormone boosting supplements making them more confident and in many instances cocky. This phenomenon is similar to liquid courage.

Observer 1: John is taking testo-boosters and he he just tried to kiss that dime he just met!
Observer 2: Sounds like Johns got powder courage
Observer 1: He can't take no for an answer

by Jajajajack March 14, 2014

take courage

Man the fuck up!

- Shit, this ledge is way too narrow...
- Take courage, man, don't be a fucking pussy!

by DrVikTroll June 8, 2015

courageous nigga

A human, animal or plant who has accomplished an immense act of bravery that deserves such recognition, such as peeing with a boner, fighting a dangerous reptile or shitting on the prinicipal's car. Normally, this act is rewarded with a N-word pass, inevitably delivered by a person of color.

Ahmed : Bro did you see what i did to Mr. Smith's car?
Tyrone : Yeah bro. The principal isn't gonna find that diarrhea funny. You is a courageous nigga. Imma give you this N-word pass. Use it wisely, bro.

by school shooter in the making May 13, 2019

plastic courage

Down hill mountain biking pads and guards, usually made by azonic, troy lee designs, 661 or one of the other big mtb gear makers.

Also used to conceal identities while rolling over roadies and pedestrians

Bill put on his plastic courage rolled the line.

by kenn_chan September 8, 2010