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Blood wrestling

To compete in manner in which uses blood.

"Want to see who can donate the most blood the quickest?" Brooke
"Ok, sure first one to dontate a unit wins" Cody
"I finished a unit in 5:56 and your was 6:38! I Win" Brooke
30 mins later
"Hey guess what Mitch?! I beat Cody at blood wrestling!" Brooke
"Good for you..." Mitch

by Forseti24 August 18, 2009

shooting blood from your cock

What the Cannibal Corpse song "I Cum Blood" is essentially about...as put by frontman Corpsegrinder.

"This song is about shooting blood FROM YOUR COCK!"
George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher

by 7568ino November 4, 2023

Blood Brothers

A sexual act. Performing a Double Penetration with a relative or a close friend while the female is on her period

Dude, me and Jake became Blood Brothers last night. Jess is such a nasty slut...

by Cubsbball25 May 29, 2019

Blood Brothers

When two or more guys fuck the same female during that time of the month or

The term for the collection of men who have shared the same bloodly vagina

Dude i think Ashley made us blood brothers

by Meekis36 November 11, 2020

Blood fart

When a girl is on her menstrual cycle and farts.

Damn that blood fart was wet.

by YoshiGo January 3, 2021

Exclamation Blood

When a girl has a period and her vagina combusts

Holy shit mom! I have exclamation blood! OWWWWW!!

by Ionlymadethisaccountforafewwor July 7, 2019