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Dark December

Just like no nut November December is when you make dark jokes in front of the minority the minority you are making fun of

“Oh shit it’s dark December we gonna have a problem when the Niggers since they want their holiday from picking cotton

Said jack in front of a gang of black guys.
“I guess I will wait till they can’t breath”


“Lemme send u to the gas chamber with the Jews and Fags ”
Said Kobe in front of the gays and faggots
“I hope this won’t blow up”

by Big brollic requis December 5, 2021

journey to the dark star

verb. can be used in reference before or during the act of anal sex.

Me: How's it goin Chad?
Chad from Alltel: Great, Me.
Me: What's happening tonight?
Chad from Alltel: Gonna take this smokin' hot thing to Chili's and then on to the *low roaring voice* JOURNEY TO THE DARK STARRRR!

by Cholester December 6, 2010

Dark Shisher

Someone who shits in the dark, no lights, nothing.

"I heard Danny shits in the dark"
"He's a true Dark Shisher"

by DarkShisher August 23, 2024

Dark cocoa cookie

The misspelling of cacao in dark cacao cookie

Person: I JUST GOT DARK COCOA COOKIE fgxjjfdtidlfjxstyhdtrysk

by Arandomcrkplayer May 15, 2022

Dark Humor jokes

Idk what do put here but you if you know what that is then thats tuff.

dark humor jokes are like food, not everyone gets it.

by Hornyfuckerシ March 24, 2021

Dark Wind

When the warm gusts of darkness channel through your inner gut caverns, escaping with the smell of infernal incense

I ate a ton of jalapeño kettle chips last night, and my body has been creating an incredible amount of dark wind in response

by MakingBathroom April 30, 2018

dark bricks

hard shit coming out of the human body, like really really hard.

in soviet Russia a gopnik was Russian to the bathroom and was shitting dark bricks

by Tex Gonzalez for the memes March 1, 2021