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Phone rage

getting angry at someone for using their cell phone in an inappropriate manner, such as texting in a movie theater while the movie is playing. Has escalated to murder at least once. used by Frosty Stillwell on his San Francisco 910am radio show, january 23, 2014.

I regretfully expect we will be seeing more incidents of phone rage in the future.

by Mercurywoodrose January 24, 2014

Phone Call to Putin

Phone Call to Putin (Russian: звонок Путину) is a slang term used by some Russian police departments for torture method which consists of administering electric shocks to the person's earlobes. According to Amnesty International, torture with electric shocks is common in Russia.

source: youtube/torture cases,wikipedia

if you don't sign the confession maybe we need to be putting you through to a Phone Call to Putin my friend.

by SnowDen89 December 14, 2015


What you say to someone who has a smartphone when they ask you a question you likely don't know the answer to, when they could easily look it up on or ask their smartphone.

Ulrich: When was Dungeons & Dragons first played?
Caelynn: If-phonely...

by Hot Glass Gal January 16, 2015


The modern version of jaw-dropping. When someone's comment or fetching good looks causes you to metaphorically or literally drop your phone.

I checked out this one girls pics on IG and she's phone-droppingly gorgeous!

by Secretmachine. January 14, 2014

Finger phone

The phone that you make with your pinky and thumb fingers.

Jamal was annoyed at us so he said he was calling his mom but we all knew he was using his finger phone.

by Licensed_Nerd July 15, 2019

phoned out

To check your phone compulsively and without necessity

jeez, i can't stand being around mandy irl. tried to talk to her for 5 minutes and she phoned out on me twice!

by sisyphussisyphus December 26, 2017

Bosnian Phone Box

A sexual act where a woman gets onto her knees as the man stands over her with his legs spread. She proceeds to place the tip of her finger into the mans ring piece as if inserting some change. She then places his erect cock onto her ear and talks into the mans arse hole. To hang up the call the man will usually take a steaming hot shit right in her gob just like a dirty Bosnian Phone Box.

Man my wife loved the Bosnian phone box I gave her last night, I’d eaten a hot tikka masala the night before too!

by Twiggy_222 October 8, 2020