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Executive shit

The action you take When your at work but theirs too many other fools running around up in the work space so your only option is to go hide somewhere whilst acting like your on important business.

Bob: " yo everybody else is in there de-slattin, where are you going?"

Executive shit Jim: " Oh Bob! Dont worry, Im going down to the other warehouse to do some executive shit."

by Mister Warpspeed April 12, 2017

Jungle Execution

A Jungle Execution is someone hits you so hard with a rolled-up newspaper that it breaks your neck, causing you to instantly perish.

"He became free when Ciocolatta got a fucking Jungle Execution from Giorno"

by GUST_Of_Wind May 15, 2019

Executive Blow Job

When your girl is dressed professionally for work and she gets down to slob knob without removing any of her fancy formal wear. She's giving an Executive Blow Job.

"Dam girl, did you just come out of a million dollar budget meeting? *zzzzzzzzzip* Awww yasssss babygirl, get it! Gimme dat Executive Blow Job! *skeet skeet skeet*"

by WhateverDuntCare February 4, 2018

Social Execution

The act of executing or killing one's social life by the executioner embarrassing, showing dominance, and even spreading lies about the person.

Daniel: Your a nerd, jack!
Jack: You're*
Hey, did you hear Jack got so embarrassed he went through Social execution?

by TheConditional September 23, 2023

executive government

Executive Government is submitted by Muse Dictionary in Bored Zone I am fine with the blood of Jesus and the rest of the week and I will be there at the same time I don't have a car 🚗

Executive Government: Easy for me to get a new one 🤠☺️🙂☺️🤠🙂

by Muse Dictionary May 2, 2022


How much a person is likely to be executed.

Dude1:Dude that Chick is so ugly Her executableness is off the charts!
Dude2: Dude, that is a Dude.

by jake winn December 12, 2009