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The Marilyn Manson Thing

The Marilyn Manson Thing is when a man can get himself oral sex.

It was named after gothic rock star Marilyn Manson had two of his ribs removed so that he could gave himself oral live on stage.

Person 1: So I heard that he could do the Marilyn Manson Thing.

Person 2: Eww...that's sick.

by I Know To Much... May 23, 2009

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

going charles manson

a player in a FPS takes on insane skillz and gets obscene kill counts. players commenly mistaken for hacking or cheating, when in fact they are being fragged rap3d and pwned repteatedly by the player in question.
ive heard it used a few times by some higher players, said when a unexpected low raked player begins to do incredibly well.

player 1: 45 kills to 3 deaths? he must be going charles manson
player 2: hes only a rank 3! unf*cking believable!

example 2:
player 1: "watch out! hes going charles manson!"
player 2:"i can take him"
player 3 kills players 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
player 1:"we were rap3d"

by free.lancer August 19, 2006

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson is a talented singer and musician. I admit that for years I was a huge fan of his music and his dark gothic image. Although I still love his music I have come around to the point where I have to agree with everyone who says they dislike Marilyn Manson on a personal level. Seriously, the guy is just a really big douche. He actually came out in an interview and openly admitted that he hates all of his own music. So, yeah, when people say he hates all of his fans, it's true. He pretty much thinks that we're all really dumb for buying into anything he does. And,he's totally fake and lies about pretty much everything. A lot of stuff he wrote in "Long Hard Road out of Hell" isn't even true. He has never used drugs. His actual girlfriend was incredibly angelic and sweet and wouldn't even mosh at his concerts, although they liked to lie and say she did. Apparently he liked her because she was "ambitious" though. And oh, by the way, this is another thing that makes Marilyn Manson a huge douche. He says the only women he likes are ones who are "ambitious" and "confident." And then in the next breath he says that he really loves Kim Kardashian. So, we all really know that what he's actually saying is: "I like chicks as long as they have lots of money." That's what he actually means by "I like confidence and ambition more than any body part." He's saying he is only turned on by rich women. Believe me I know this to be true from personal experience.

Marilyn Manson is a great musician. Buy all of his albums and listen to them, it's well worth it. Don't bother reading "Long Hard Road out of Hell" though, that book is total crap.

by anonymous xyz December 31, 2014

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Charles Manson's Epic Question

Can be found on youtube. A must see.

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

If you've seen Charles Manson's epic question, you need to see his epic answer.

by Risown March 10, 2009

119πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

marilyn manson hippie fags

A term not used lightly when describing one who rejects all socializim completely. Also these types wear much black makeup and trench coats and very over-sized clothing.
The bottom of the people pool. Almost worse than "thugs".
These (people) do not wish to engage in person to person interaction.

Tim is walking in the mall and turns head to look inside
(hot Topic). He notices some individuals who look very grimmey and angry.
He says: Hey Steve look at those marilyn manson hippie fags. they should all die they take up to much room.
Steve says: Indeed Tim we should wait outside and beat the shit out of them when they leave...

by Cory Lund February 3, 2008

26πŸ‘ 144πŸ‘Ž

The Lucky Manson

While you’re fucking a man doggy style, you push back of his head down so he can suck on his own dick, while he’s getting fucked It’s called The Lucky Manson, named after Marilyn Manson. Can be done to a man, by either another man, or a woman wearing a strap-on. Receiver must be quite flexible.

So I was taking my boyfriend from behind, and shoved his head down so he was deep throating his own cock. I love The Lucky Manson, it makes us both cum so hard.

by Lucky Pierre 2022 August 4, 2022


When you have sex with a girl on LSD just to break down their ego to use them for murdering.

"ayy bruh i just mansoned this bitch last night"

by parsooo August 24, 2016