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thumbs up

usually used by people that have massive daddy issues

amber is looking forward for a thumbs up from her teacher as she never had a father figure lmao

by letmemotheryou May 23, 2022

Thumbs up

you are obsessed with me

thumbs up. hey Joe is holding a thumbs up he is obsessed with me

by dtm person July 16, 2022

thumbs up

you’re deeply in love with me no questions asked.

so many people had thumbs up!

by symxx May 7, 2022

Thumbs up

Thumbs up is the sign of Teddy. It is the best pose fr

Teddy put his thumbs up in that snap

by b chun ny8gryno July 13, 2022

thumbed me up

A British way of saying you were fingered.

Prince Harry thumbed me up good last night. I couldn't stop orgasming!

by CrumpetsAndHighTea December 17, 2016

puts thumbs up

Someone who is a massive neek and has zero hoes. To much of a pussy to put there face in the camera

Josh definitely puts thumbs up on snapchat

by gbngh June 3, 2022

thumbs up gang

Thumbs up gang is a group of most sexiest and individually and collectively capable people.very dangerous people

Person 1:"Last night some guys saved my life"
Person 2:"omg they must be thumbs up gang then!"

by Mashtikhor24/6 November 24, 2021