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The Mufwafwa Tribe Ceremony

When all of the African members of the mufwafwa tribe get together to brutally rape all of the american white women that we've kidnapped over 50+ years it is a sacred ceremony passed down from generation to generation

Average American White Woman- yo when is the Mufwafwa Tribe Ceremony going to start
Average American White Woman 2- im scared

by The African Mufwafwa Tribe Lea January 22, 2022

bush nigga tribe B.N.T

A group of people usually homeless and are usually tweakers "meth heads" that live together in groups, in tents, in un-habbited areas like marshes, swamps, hills or bushes the area could be referred to as tent city or a camp site

Aye what happened to bruh from back in the day, he's part of the bush nigga tribe B.N.T

by RhynoAkAToxic1 415 September 7, 2020

tribe member

A person who exudes a lack of originality but they believe they are at the forefront of something.

Elon Musk is just a tribe member. He has never done anything innovative even though he thinks he is the future, he is a grifter.

Those political activists think they’re smarter than everyone else but they just believe in conspiracy theories and they’re just tribe members.

She refuses to be a tribe member, she actually goes to Africa every year to help build homes for child orphans. She doesn’t fall for the mutual fund trick and she ignores the lies of the crypto NFT community, instead she invests in ETFs like $SPY, $NOBL, $VNQ and $VT.

by APOLOGIEZZZZZ November 28, 2022

The Wacaslofa tribe

The tribe of the great alfeefi.

Alfeefi is the great cheftain of the wacaslofa tribe, I wish to study more about it.

by Theheighter2 August 3, 2024

Wachuchu Tribe

One of the most dangerous tribes in all of Africa. Located in Southern African country of Eswatini

Guy 1: I just landed in Eswatini and I just heard about the Wachuchu Tribe.

Guy 2: Oh you don't want to mess with them. They're very dangerous.

by Dee McNutt April 11, 2024

Sugandi Tribe

The greatest tribe of all time. Ran by our leader Osama ben ladin. The tribe was named after Osama's nephew Sugandi. But sadly our leader was taken down by a navy seal after telling his followers to run into some towers and a hexagon thing. Now our leader is Muhammad, Sugandi's uncle. He recently got deported out of the U.S to India. But apparently India did not want him either so he got deported to North Korea. Now living with Kim Jong-un there demising a plan to take over the world.

My grandpa was a huge influence in the Sugandi Tribe. He died as a great pilot on 9/11.

by Hack daddy jr March 10, 2023


21 year old rapper who resides in Vallejo, California. Has known ties to the ASAP mob and thizz entertainment. Featured in the hit song "Hi & Dry" and "California Mountains".

Tribe-becca has been on the come up.

by AbeLincoln22 January 3, 2015