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New Zealand Nosedive

A vehicle(especially a jeep) that is slammed on the front end and lifted on the back end

Chris: Jace, did you really get a New Zealand Nosedive?
Jase: Yes.
Chris: It looks gay as fuck.

by MexicanForeskinMonster November 27, 2022

New zealand Blanket

When two people are doing a sex and the person on top breaks into a full-on Haka

I met my tinder date at a rugby match and she took me back to her place later for a little fun and a New Zealand Blanket. Talk about dinner and a show.

by OhNoSnortChamp October 21, 2021

A New Zealand Welcome

The national greeting in New Zealand that begins with beating your wife and ends with jacking off to Troon porn.

I give my wife a New Zealand Welcome every time dinner is late.

by snorts mcgee April 15, 2023

new zealand mud slide

A New Zealand Mud Slide is the act of defecating on a prostitute's chest and then proceeding to sit it in and sliding down her chest so your feces smear over her chest like the mud on a set of mountains.

"Yo! Did you hear Kevin gave the Jefferson Street hooker a New Zealand Mud Slide?"
"Dude! No way! That's awesome! Did he take pics?"

by ChaoTato May 5, 2020