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Asexual means, that you simply dont wanna have sex. Its simple

Are you asexual? "Yes i am!"

by ThomasInnit March 23, 2021


asexuality is a sexual orientation which concerns people who experience no to little sexual attraction ("ace" in slang).
when considered as a sexual orientation, asexuality is not abstinence or a cause of trauma. but otherwise, some people would just call themselves temporary asexuals in case of abstinences or yeah, for their healing to a trauma period.

just know that asexuality is a spectrum since everyone has a different experience and tastes when it comes to having sexual intercourses. and what i mean by that is that some asexual would masturbate and some not, some asexuals would find sex disgusting and repulsing, while other would not.

-you've never really talked about your girlfriend, am i right ?
-i guess you are
-what about her then ?
-well she's sweet, loving and actually very smart !
-wow girl i'm so happy for you, is she good in bed though ?
-god i'm asexual !

by heresanace July 3, 2022


Someone Asexual is someone who fucks with no hoes willingly has 0 play!

Damn bro did you see Jay was asexual?

Oh hell naw! Bro gets 0 play willingly?


by Xx_Bigmans_xX May 18, 2023


The meaning of asexual is LITTLE to no sexual attraction. Asexuality is a spectrum so every ace person is different. Some aces experience none whatsoever, some experience it very rarely, and some experience it after a strong emotional bond has been formed, and many more. It DOESN'T mean that all asexuals experience none, it's a spectrum, every asexual is different.

kyrie: Hey cali! Guess what! Cali: what!? Kyrie: I'm bi and asexual! Cali: so you experience romantic attraction to 2 OR more genders with or without a preference and you experience LITTLE to no sexual attraction? Kyrie: yep!

by neilsthebest11111 November 25, 2022


When one enjoys to sexually please their partner but they do not, however, enjoy being pleasured themselves .

"Oh, I'm Self-Asexual, it's okay!"

by letsgetcats May 19, 2018