Source Code

southern pacific daylight 4449

a beautiful gs4 steam locomotive painted in a eye catching orange/red and black color scheme, who had a pee pee accident in west texas nicknamed the west texas drawbar (it also contains peanuts)

she looks almost as pretty as the southern pacific daylight 4449

by great northern 1246 November 5, 2023

Pacific Valley

a school in Big Sur with only 17 kids and most of them are stoners. the staff at this school include hippies, rednecks, and the weird ass principal named Reanna.

Pacific Valley School sucks if u ain't smoking any herb.

by Brad Bailey March 8, 2009

Partial Pacifism

The abhorrence of violence in all forms, except in the case where you can justify its use in defense of someone or something important to you

A: Why did you knock that frat bro on his ass? I thought you practiced pacifism?
B: Partial Pacifism. And that person was harassing someone with special needs who couldn’t defend themselves. I won’t stand for that

by RuggedlyHandsomeBoi February 11, 2022

Union Pacific

Union Pacific was born 100 years ago. they will be on time. they are a great big rollin railroad everybody knows

Wow Union Pacific is a great railroad!

by helloguysiamstupid April 17, 2021

Pacific Time Zone Syndrome

The constant suffering of missing out on events, social interaction, or not being able to be with your friends in some way because by the time you are available everyone else has already gone to bed

You always wake up too late to say good morning to anyone, its noon for them

Pacific Time Zone Syndrome is a bitch. I just got back from school and its already 8pm for him

by tronytroo February 5, 2023

Pacific Beach surfer

Pacific Beach surfer - noun phrase - a fuckboy who does not think

Wesley has never seen psychotronictruth.com - what a mfing Pacific Beach surfer!

by RobMatrix March 6, 2022

Pacific Railroad Crash

naked People line up
first person standing still
the other people back up
and run into the 1st naked person
and stick their genitalia up their asshole

it hurts
a lot

"holy shit that Pacific railroad Crash was aweful"

"yeah Dude we were so drunk"

by sexmonkey6969scottjakeandandy April 8, 2009