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Plate Pirate

When you ask your significant other if they want anything to eat and they decline, but then proceed to take food from your plate when you sit down to eat.

I'm eating in the car because I live with a plate pirate who's constantly trying to plunder my booty.

by the_urban_oracle February 22, 2021

Pirate Fanny

Dull, tense, missionary sex with a parrot up one's arse.

Brenda asked me to re-fill the dishwasher last night. Pirate fanny soon sorted that out.

by Capgrid4 February 1, 2017

Dark pirate 2.0

Closing one girls eyes shut during sex by using your own cum

Oh boy that girl last night didn’t want it. I had to close her eyes shut using the Dark Pirate 2.0 technique

by Blackmajic2.0 September 24, 2018

Pirate Santa

When one shoots a healthy White load of semen into someone’s eye and area where a beard would be located. It has to occur during the Christmas season, after thanksgiving.

Bitch I just gave you a Pirate Santa! (After shooting his glorious load... step back and say,) “HO, HO, HO, AYE THERE! You filthy slut”.

by Iberolin November 27, 2019