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No show bill

When a person is too drunk hungover or high to show up for work in the morning

That asshole no show bill He never showed up to work today because he drank 15 beer and snorted half an 8 ball

by Do hoe February 20, 2023

Pingu The Show

An excellent stop motion Claymated show revolving around a penguin called "Pingu" it's 1st episode was released in 1986 by a bloke called Otmar Gutmann and lasted for 6 seasons until 2006. Hit entertainment bought pingu in 2000. A Japanese reboot was created in 2017 called "Pingu in the city" which used CGI instead of Claymation.

Pingu the show is the best out there

by Im_not_telling_my_name July 25, 2021


The act of having showered and subsequently realize that you must excrete. It is the opposite of doing a shi-show.

Person 1: Fuck man! I just did a show-shi!
Person 2: Did you not know you had to take a shit?
Person 1: No, I didn't feel it coming until I stepped out of the shower.

by Dr. Quique February 28, 2009

URL Show

A concert, festival or other event (usually pertaining to music) which is held online. A URL show may be a livestream of an IRL concert, but many - such as the events presented by Open Pit - are purely online, either via a twitch/youtube stream, a minecraft server, a zoom call, etc.

Person 1: ¡It's been mega cringe fur realllzzz not being able to go to concerts during the big sneeze, but last night i watched a URL show and big zaddy Parry Gripp played b2b Death Grips and that went hecking insaneo style!

Person 2: ok

by July 10, 2022

flip show

The channel/television show you flip to when the one you want to watch is on a commercial break. You've probably seen the flip show before or you enjoy the show but don't necessarily care what happens.

Person 1: "Ah, come on. You're watching this?"
Person 2: "No no no, this is just my flip show."

by babegeousbabe August 31, 2014


Combination purpose visit into the bathroom using the shower and toilet on the same trip.

Hey Mom, I'm going to show-wee now. Be ready in a couple minutes.

by earlybird June 6, 2015

Rodeo Show

A term used in Manufacturing to describe a chaotic and poorly communicated event. This is usually used when there is a mistrust in regards to management.

"I'd really like to avoid a rodeo show in our next meeting."

by GatorZoned May 11, 2021