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Ryan Road

The home of all Chaldeans where they think they own shit and run 15 mile. Dream market is the hangout. All these uftys in their rams and scar packs driving up and down ryan with their breezes in their mouths.

“This ufty just cut me off on ryan road in his ram”

by Meueiieejhdudh September 20, 2022

Road Horse

A person or persons whom ride pedal bikes aggressively. They usually ride in neighborhoods, or where people are around. Rarely do they ride in rural areas. They are attention seekers, and like to be witnessed. Also, riding makes them horny, and they are big fans of Patrick Swayze.

Neighbor 1: "Did you see Chad and Stacy today?"
Neighbor 2: "Yeah man! A couple of Road Horses!"
Neighbor 1: "I heard they have vibrating bicycle seats!"
Neighbor 2: "Typicsl Road Horse, I wish I was one."

by PissTank May 19, 2015

Road language

When someone who is a “road man” or “chav” speak they do not use proper English but actually speak differently

“Wagwan my drilla” “Hey can you translate from road language to English please”.

by Mandy__ August 29, 2021

Road rash on my back wheels

This means to stick your dick and balls into a gay dudes asshole and take it out with poop on it

I got road rash on my back wheels

by Road rasher August 14, 2023

victory road

someone that has finally made it through it in a pokemon game

"l finally made it through victory road"

by ''. January 11, 2017

Load for the road

When the girl sucking you off has to go to work immediately after, so she takes the load of cum along with her.

Getting sucked off and leaves immediately after. As she walks out the door, her mouth is filled with cum.

Girl: I can’t, I gotta go, my Uber will be here soon.

Guy: I’m about to cum, finish me off. (Responds to Uber driver, “I’ll be right there”)

Girl: Okay, I’ll take a load for the road.

by Pika McJones March 9, 2019

Udall road middle school

Udall road middle school is cool actually very except for the security gaurds

Udall Road Middle school is a good school in White islip or west islip

by Udall Road Middle school February 1, 2022