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The Don and Travis Show

An attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages with false identification.

I'm going on The Don and Travis show, do you need me to get any beer for you?

by Don White & Travis Mills March 31, 2003

Show Choir

A group for closeted men and girls who can’t sing; joined so that they can say they’re in a “sport” even though none of them can run a 50 meter.

Student 1: I fucking hate that kid.
Student: yeah he’s in Show Choir to make it worse
Student 1: what a fag

by Yeagerboii May 20, 2024

Show choir

Some thing I hope to join one day. (Me currently being 14) A bunch of sequin clad highschoolers dancing and singing. With too much energy at their shows, and always on overdrive 24 seven. They tend to have short attention span‘s, and are always sleep deprived. 80% of them also want to be on Broadway. Overall seems pretty good.

Show choir

by January 30, 2023

Cuck Show

An organization or group of people who allow unethical or disgusting behavior to occur around them. Who only complain about the behavior but never try to change the behavior or leave the situation.

That department is such a Cuck Show, I'm surprised they get any work done with how much they hate their jobs.

by ButtPirateofthe7Seas August 12, 2023

cuck show

An organization or group of people who allow unfaithful or unethical behavior to occur around them. Only to complain about the behavior, but never work to change the the behavior.

That workplace is such a cuck show, the workers complain but never take action to make things better. No wonder turnover is so high.

by ButtPirateofthe7Seas August 11, 2023

Show opening skipper

Someone who only appreciates the show and not the opening

Person 1: hey did you here John skipped season twos opening

Person 2:that’s a show opening skipper for ya

by hahahahahahahhah your mommm May 16, 2022

seaver show

a sea otter and a beaver show

damnnnnnnnnnnnnn i wanna go see a seaver show tonight come with me dudeeeeeeeee

by seaverlover January 7, 2017