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The Russians did it

Unknown agent, but hopefully none of our allies

Who killed Livitenko? The Russians did it.

by thaaanos April 11, 2018

Russian love tap

To knock out someone with a strong punch.

Yea so this guy named Nathan was being a bitch so I have him a Russian love tap.

by GreyTheHuman February 21, 2020

Russian Oloper


Upside down creeper

upside down creepers are russian olopers

by  September 20, 2022

Russian Shower

When the person next to you gets their head cut off or seriously wounded and you become covered with blood.

"Yo, I just got a Russian Shower because that fool got his head chopped off!"

by HappyAssArrows June 3, 2022

Russian Climb

Any ridiculously high, often illegal climb up a tower, building or other structure, most commonly achieved by crazy Russians.

Did you see that video of the two kids who climbed to the top of the crane at the tip of the Shanghai Tower? It was the craziest Russian Climb I'v ever seen.

by Quazzy Hart May 16, 2014

Russian Salad

Straight Vodka.
Since Russians don't have a lot of vegetables, they have to make due with making salad from potatoes. And what better than turning those potatoes into delicious Vodka.

Hey bro, Could you hook us up with some Russian Salad, We were going to party hard tonight!

by BadChad60nad November 11, 2020

White Russian

1. Donald Trump

2. A tasty drink make with vodka, Kahlua and cream

The White Russian wants back in the white house.

by Esse quality verde June 27, 2022