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Face Buddy

A person who looks like you, whom a mutual friend or acquaintance has photographed or tagged on social media. Or mentioned. Or put you in contact with. Whatever. You then confirm the verisimilitudinousness and end up being buddies. What could be easier, or freakier?

S: The pool attendant at my gym looks SOOOOOO much like you. I want to take his picture.

H: You should. I'd like to have him as my Face Buddy.

by Zoboomafoobar May 8, 2013

Puddle buddy

Melted methamphetamine ready to be smoked

Someone stole my Hillbilly glue (methamphetamine) last night...they took everything besides my bowl with my puddle buddy

by Weaselbub November 13, 2016

thumb buddy

Someone who uses his or her thumb as a mutual part of the relationship. This can include constant thumbs up for a good job, or anal penetration.

"Dude, you have to do it, you're my thumb buddy!"

by dude man nice. May 14, 2009

Trench Buddy

Some one who has made love to the same partner, either individually, or simultaneously.

Hey, Brad, wanna pick up a chick and become my trench buddy, tonight?

by CockScurvy June 24, 2021

Trench Buddy

Someone who will love you through thick and thin and get you through hard times

Yo have you seen Mickie

Nah but he’s my trench buddy

by Trench buddy January 15, 2021

Alright buddy

The term used by bass anglers who only use the best slaps

Alright buddy

by Bait needle January 9, 2021