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Breaking the record

The action of intentionally repeating oneself to win an argument or get they're way

"Dude yes they can"
"I've seen them do it"
"your just gonna keep breaking the record aren't y-"

(Turkey guy is promptly beat to death)

by C.T Tracy September 17, 2023

break that vase

to fuck a women with an vase like body structure.

"Man I met this bitch last night, and i just had to break that vase"

by Yuung Draco March 1, 2017

break up band

A band whose music mainly consists of break up songs. They’re great to listen to during and just after a breakup to help move on and minimise the pain.

“Yeah, we broke up last night”
“Oh I’m sorry gurl, you listening to Hey Violet?”
“Is that a band?”
“Yeah, best break up band going”

by justcameheretowriteonedefiniti July 14, 2018

Spam break

The time of the day you take to go over your spam email. Usually means you have absolutely nothing else to do, except breathe.

My boss went to a meeting, so I have spam break...

by piccolodaimaku July 26, 2011

Break wide

Break Wide - To run and separate from a person or a group.

"We were all sitting on the bleachers and when Coach Sims walked in looking for Jake, causing him to 'break wide' and leave the entire gym."

by Saints_007 January 27, 2022

AARPee Break

One of a frequent amount of urinations required once you have attained a certain age.

Overheard on a chairlift from one old geezer snowboarder to his buddy: “The lodge is too far away. Next run, I’m going to take my AARPee Break in the trees.”

by RufusAurelius June 13, 2024

Break n' Bake

The act in which most employees take part in on their breaks at their respected place of work.

Pretty self explanatory but for all you noobs, it's when employees smoke weed on their breaks.

Daniel: "Hey it's almost our lunch break... you down to Break N' Bake?"

Charlie: "I'm still feeling it from our last Break N' Bake but I'm always down."

Daniel: "I love to Break n' Bake!"

by Trent Dman January 15, 2012