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Astro buddie

Instead of soul mates they are actually astro buddies because their love and connection goes through space and different countries

When two people are so close they experience the same thing when they are apart.

Eg: when person 1 is over seas away from person two and they get gastro at the same time.

Or when they constantly say the same thing at the same time.
Hey astro buddie.

by Italian plumbob May 29, 2014

Pancake buddy

The person you have common sex with also can be someone who you are good friends with that you like but they don’t like you

Person 1: Me and Alanys are pancake buddy’s

Person 2: that’s tuff so she doesn’t like you or do you guys fuck

by Your one & only Alanys Vargas February 18, 2020


Those two gay firefighters from the hit FOX TV show 9-1-1, canonically known as Buck and Eddie.

Do you think buddie is gonna go canon?

Obviously, those two are so in love.

by prfoundbond August 10, 2021


A person you trust to finish each other sandwiches.

Me: Hi buddie, in my sandwich I would like some..
Buddie: Extra mustard, I know

by JJ. Abraham February 3, 2021

tea buddies

a tea buddy is someone you spill tea(gossip) with, and value dearly. all tea is confidential and no matter the seriousness of it, may not be shared with the outside world.

*two tea buddies spillin some hot tea*
shan : "I gotz the tea."
ky : "ouhhh sister spill"

by ShandaAwesome January 2, 2019


(n) when two people who have mastered the art of upfriending, upfriend each other from the same friend mine or friend farm.

Johnny and Bill are Up-buddies from Heather 's friend farm.

by gambler325 June 16, 2016


The state of being extremely intoxicated as to the point of severe liver damage

Jack got so buddied last night that he got kicked out of the bar

by Buddy19002 March 8, 2023