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dick cheese

when you don’t clean ur fucked up peepee and then you just grow cheese

oh my god i can’t believe jesse has dick cheese”

by ih8whitepeople July 5, 2019

Dick cheese

The act of sticking your penis in hot cheese and having your boyfriend or girlfriend like it like a corndog

Ayo babe, want some dick cheese?

by Gpdong June 10, 2022

dick cheese

semen that has been left to undergo fermentation on a dick. please for the sake of everyone. WASH YO PICKLE

girl 1: i was gonna give him head but then...
girl 2: oh no...dont tell me....
girl 1: *sniffs* t-there was...
girl 2: NO ! no dont say it
girl 1: d-dick cheese

by comeoverwhenyouresober March 19, 2022

Cheese dick

When your penis smells of old cheese due to unprotected sex with a female with a dirty vagina.

She gave me cheese dick

by Manuel Vargas September 21, 2018

Cheese Dick

A cheese dick is a super gross uncircumcised penis that hasn’t been washed in a long ass time. It gets crusty and gross under the foreskin.

Girlfriend: you better not have cheese dick

Guy: don’t worry, I washed it today

by Benis36 March 11, 2019

Cheese Dick

When a muthafucka got that extra skin on it, and he don’t wash that shit, and you pull that shit back, and lint and cheese b spillin out.

Keisha: y’all ain’t fuck??
Arianna: Nah he got that cheese dick.

by your neighbor January 26, 2023

cheese dick

thick, white to yellowish-white(, maybe even green or brown if ur nasty) substance that is formed under the foreskin of uncut men, i’d you have cheese dick it means ur fucking nasty

Mario: this girl was sucking my meat and she gagged bru

Jose: ew you got cheese dick

by I3avier August 18, 2023