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An extremely attractive blonde-haired, 12-year-old, a seventh grader born on February 16th, 2010. He smells good. He played football before, and he still plays. He played in the Super Bowl, and he won. He didn't even have any teammates, but he still beat the other team by 1,000 to 0, and they had 400,000,000 players. His best friend is Carver Murphy.

Hercules is an example of a Dunn.

by Wise Mystical Little Tree October 28, 2022


1. For one to have had enough of another’s bad attitude

2.completed a set task

3. Failed to meet the quota for amount of set days on a bender

Person 1 “Hey ! Did you see that Anthony only lasted two days on the three day bender ? “

Person 2 “ YEAH he was DUNN”

by AJC December 15, 2021