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a rape of priests

collective noun (eg. a murder of crows) to describe a group of priests.

be careful timmy, i hear there is a rape of priests lurking around camp.

by Anony666mous December 15, 2019

bone slap the priest

When the food lookin fresh, you say it. The waiters at gore may restaurants say it when they serve wine to a roman attic couplem

Mah gurl made me some mac and the cheese. Dont mind if I do!😣 Bone slap the priest!

by Ty a rone December 12, 2016


Haggard and scruffy, slightly rape(y)

Bro got mad priest-face, must be finals week.

by Alkalineaddiction April 8, 2015


Post mass exit ritual where as you are in the line to greet the Priest who then will shake your hand whilst pulling you down the line away from him simultaneously as not exchange lengthy BS "hellos" and "how are you's".

Father McGillan totally priest-pulled my mother as she was saying hello and trying to thank him for his service. He pulled her down the line away from him and was engaging 2 people behind her already.

by cheeky sunshine August 17, 2017

a priest in A minor

A little known work by Beethoven.

Tom: Have you heard Beethoven's recently discovered work?
Langford: No, what is it?
Tom: It's a Priest in A minor
Langford: Awe, too soon, man

by Packin McCracken November 10, 2015

beat the priest

Another way to phrase masturbation

Mom don’t come in I’m about to beat the priest!”

by Capt jigglebottom January 31, 2018


Someone who is very good at reading bibles and other assorted religious texts. Often a pedophile

My child has been baptised by the piss of the head priest of the Catholic Church

by TamChanUwU November 6, 2021