Source Code

A.O.D. (Adult Oriented Disney)

a) A film for children that is subtly intended for the adults.
b) A weird and crazy porn movie.

Use of A: When we left the cinema I felt it was an A.O.D. (Adult Oriented Disney)
Use of B: I warn you, that movie it's a fantastic A.O.D. (Adult Oriented Disney)

by Juanki St. Jacob February 15, 2018


A Short, Bitch ass Italian. Usually fiesty, lazy, big headed & normally a pothead from up north. Will have a big decision on 18th year, but traveling at this time is not a wise decision.

Oriente is a Dick Head!

by Orical February 3, 2009


The postulation that the global dialectic is a conflict between the far East and the Near East over who invented monotheism.

This would stand in contract to Occidentalism's dialectic of a conflict between Western "monotheism" and Eastern 'polytheism.'

Orientalism propounds that the dialectic of East vs. West can be correctly reduced to Iranicism vs. Arabism..

by flightfacilities February 18, 2022


A phenology that views Christianity and Islam as contraposed in a latent conflict requiring imminent resolution.

In contrast to meta-Zionism (messianism) which views Christianity and Judaism as contraposed in an Oedipal conflict.

Orientalism is most locally associated with the work of Bernard Lewis.

by tomorrowtomorrow January 9, 2019

myspace oriented

when a guy or girl are always on myspace to see what their boyfriend or girlfriends myspace says and gets either pissed and/or any other feelings just because of something on someones myspace page

Steve: Dude i got rid of my top friends list on myspace now my girlfriend is mad at me cuz she not on the list

Scoot: Yea she sounds kinda crazy and myspace oriented to me, probably time to break up before some girl comments your picture and she gets jealous

by calaburrito July 11, 2009