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Doing a Kristen

Trolling, but worst. Even a troller could not troll that much.

That teacher cancelled two lessons in a row for no reason. I think he's doing a Kristen.

by OuiYeti October 9, 2020

Doing a Kristen

Trolling, but worst. Even a troller could not troll that much.

The teacher cancelled two lessons in a row for no reason. I think he's doing a Kristen

by OuiYeti October 9, 2020

kristen x rossing

the best ship in the world, no doubt they can’t keep denying their feelings!

kristen x rossing is the best ship

by savriena June 4, 2023

devin and kristen

The PERFRCT duo.

Two amazing human beings . Who have a super ability to astral project and fuze together there spirits through the physical act of the Kristen deepthroating the Devins very large penis. This creating the super god like entity known as... KRISDEV...!

Damn those two people are so Devin and Kristen

by DosPac January 12, 2021

kristen bunce

A Step down from Goddess!

Kristen bunce

by BunceAlmighty August 25, 2010

kristen rodriguez

A bitch that kicks people out out of places

My english teacher is a kristen rodriguez

by Wolf call September 6, 2022

Billie Kristen hall

Every Billie Kristen hall is a mom and is 40

Everyone: Billie Kristen hall is Old
Billie: yea I am

by Nate doggy dog April 10, 2023