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Crack open a cold one with the boys

The simple practice of the art of necrophilia with your bestest of friends. Typically performed in a Catholic Cemetery between the hours of 1am to 3am.

Hey Juan,
Wanna go crack open a cold one with the boys down at the cemetery on Garfield Street?

by Pedro K Hasseem March 25, 2022

Aaron cold

To be so physically cold that you feel like an iceberg...

1. God, I'm so freaking freezing...
2. Are you Aaron cold?
1. Yeah, dude.

2. Damn, that's cold.

by Lizzythekitcat June 22, 2016

Cold treasure

A complimentary prize if any for those that somehow got everything else so they run out of things to collect.

He was so good at the carnival games he ended up with more Cold treasures than actual prizes.
They give out star stickers with the words "you did it" on it as Cold treasures.

by equACHOO-,sorry its equinox February 8, 2023

Bean is cold

When a female is wearing a dress or skirt and her vagina and other private parts are cold.

girl 1: I can't believe you are wearing that skirt, it's going to get below freezing tonight.
girl 2: Tell me about it, my bean is cold!

by lovesdinosaurs28 May 29, 2012

cold craig

When you're taking a shower while someone is also taking a shit, because the steam amplifies the smell.

Good, my girlfriend needs to stop giving me the cold Craig. I will never feel clean.

by Pseudonym McPseudonymface March 7, 2019

cold breath

Opposite of hot breath

Damn son, you got cold breath. Shit be as fresh as a daisy.

by Swyft October 16, 2023

Streets cold

fucked up , bogus like a damn type of meaning.

random : “ my man blocked me after i fought his ex , brought him amiris , gave him my whole bank account

real a$$ smart mf: “ damn streets cold

by slut444yb October 5, 2022