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cold dicking

A situation in which you are forced to cold call hours on end without pay other than commission.

i was cold dicking so hard today.

by Alizee<3er July 23, 2013

bold cold

When you blast the air conditioner during hot months despite your bill, just because it feels so good.

Man: Don't bold cold the room. Put it at a reasonable temperature, okay?

by Ereck Flowers November 20, 2018

woke up in a cold sweat

To wake up in a cold sweat is to wake up suddenly in the middle of the night due to the remembering of an anxious moment in your life.

Man last night night I woke up in a cold sweat remembering how those gangsters last summer almost decided to off me!

by Yongundong April 25, 2017

3👍 1👎

kerry cold

a kerry cold is when megan slawsons dad has a cold but cus he’s just- him he’s worse than everybody else in the family

god have you heard of the kerry cold!!”

by Megan slawson October 1, 2020

cold window challenge

A new challenge where you take a picture or video of your hand on a frosted or fogged up window. You see how long you can hold your hand on the window.

I nominate ? ? ? To do the cold window challenge.

by Charleec November 27, 2015

cold latina

cold latina: eastern european people that party, drink and have fun just like latina exept drink vodka instead of tequila, are paler than ice and live in cold condition.

Watch out for Anita she's a cold latina, she's polish, drinks vodka and is crazy, dont mess with her.

by uniqueforurban March 13, 2022

Ugandan Cold Soldering

The act of connecting electric wires and equipment using glue strips.

Joe: “Pete, we’re out of soldering wire, how we’re gonna fix the loudspeakers?”
Pete: “Ugandan cold soldering it is, then”.

by Casketgrinder September 4, 2021