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someone who is bossed around by their girlfriend and would do anything for them. Typically when the girlfriend is super hot.

dude 1: yo bro we playing ball today?
dude 2: nah bro I can't I gotta take my girlfriend and her friends shopping.
dude 1: you are such a puppy-dude
dude 2: chill bro im not

by Samot-boy April 23, 2019

Purple fat dude

Fucking idiots. Anyone that knows someone with this name or nickname is a fucking idiot. Name is used when a fat middle aged man takes a shower and falls asleep whilst shitting

Hey, that’s a purple fat dude

by Idiotic potato November 9, 2019

Avarege Greek Dude

He be greek, light brown haired, avarage dude that has no life. He plays on his PC all day and has only few friends, because ppl thinks he's wierd. He is politically unstable due to his country's state and also has a secret crush that never talks about.

Greek Dude #01: Hey look! Giannis is coming!
Greek Dude #02: Oh no! Run away! He's a Avarege Greek Dude!

by kwjzs April 9, 2020

Eyes like a dude

A female that has eyes like a dude, in the same way that Brendan Fraser or Chris Kattan have eyes like a bitch.

She's always trying to stare and look hard with the eyes like a dude.

by The Original Agahnim June 24, 2021

kappe dude

term that comes from the videogame minecraft, and has evolved into someone that is good at something

He is so skilled!
Yeah he is a kappe dude!

by gamingpiggy February 15, 2017

All The Young Dudes

All the young Dudes is a fanfiction by MsKingbean89 (who is rumored to be Taylor Swift, a very true theory), and it's about a deadass gay werewolf, who is also the Casanova of Gryffindor Tower, Remus Lupin, and his more than homosexual friends, the Marauders, (James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew),

It's mostly about Wolfstar (which you should definitely ship, or I'll ship you off into a volcano-),

It has a lot of gay teenagers, miscommunication, angst, and did I meantion homosexuality?

Important to know about are also Moony Toast, Anything For Our Moony, Can you tell me a secret? A nice one?, and Mars Bars.

If you havent read this piece of art yet you definitely should, it's on AO3.

Person A : omg I just finished All The Young Dudes , I want to die

Person B : Omg same, let's eat Moony Toast and cry

Person C : Wait let me join pls, I can't believe they didn't get their happy ending I wanna die

Person A : fr fr

Person B : yeah I still love All The Young Dudes , tho

All of them : duh we all do

by Regulus_cannotSwim on ao3 September 17, 2023


a spray that attracts the ladies. EPISODE: The Unicorns have got to go

Dude-Time, for men.

by cooldude2144 December 20, 2022