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Cold ham water

When a girl posses into a guys mouth, then he snowballs the cold piss into another guys mouth.

girl: “want some cold ham water?”
guy: “ Sure?”

5 minutes later
guy: “ I regret everything”

by Jimster February 19, 2019

Cold Clinch

Whe the woman your having sex with has Covid 19 and she coughs repeatedly....causing her vagina to clinch several times, until you cum.

Hey babe since you coughing I'm going to stop and get you some medicine...but before you take it can I get a COLD CLINCH..???

by Sick Em D August 21, 2022

cold back

A negative terms towards Canadians

(Friend) That Canadian was rude and judgemental.

(Me) meh fuckem he's a cold back anyways

by caleb5009 February 19, 2018

The cold carrot

When a group of mexicans have an orgi using only carrots that coke freshly from there fridge

Yo homey get the cold carrot from the fridge

by Sean Collins December 6, 2021

Cold Score

Going to walk around and talk to random people to try n find drugs to buy.

Cold score; Everyone is out but I heard the pier is a good place to coldscore and not get ripped off.

by Bupernorphine December 27, 2021

Cold Score

Cold score, going out to score drugs from a stranger. Usually when you are desperate.

Our dude is out and we hella need some dope. I heard the pier is the best place to cold score and not get ripped off.

by Bupernorphine December 27, 2021

cold score

Cold score might be considered as kinda opposite to cold turkey. While cold turkey refers to quitting person's habits/vices (esp. hard drugs like opioids/ dopegearsmackblowscag H)in some particular way, cold score is the way to get drugs.
The phrase cold is crucial here, it could be probably traced back from an old-fashion English and means dealing with things in an open, straightforward, outright, reliable or even raw manner.

Like not to give a fuck}.

Hence, cold scoring is getting coping drugs in a strange, unknown, often hostile area, without having any buddy pal, middleman or connection known, what exposes the person to troubles that range from being cheated ripped off, like buying poor stuff to get assaulted and robbed or even incriminating (to be caught by cops pigs and incarcerated locked up, what might easily lead to cold turkey).

Oh babe, no matter how sick you are gonna be, forget to even try to score cold in East LA since you never ever been there before. It's sure as fuck you are going to be ripped off or end up in a slammer . Or both.

Let's find some doc that prescribes, man, cold score is close as fuck to cold turkey.

by Narcomadonna January 6, 2018