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When she is on her period and decides pulls out a red blanket to absorb the bloodbath that is about to take place. Only to result in a violent and murderous orgasm that leaves her shaking uncontrollably.

"Oh my God, I have no idea how amazing OJ Sex would be. Now who is going to clean up this bloodbath?"

"Oh my God babe, the juice is loose. This OJ Sex is amazing"

by thejuiceisl00se April 12, 2024

The OJ Simpson

In order to perform the OJ Simpson you must first purchase some extra small gloves. Then you need kill your girlfriend. After that once your in court you must fuck every one of your dead girlfriends family members.

Guy: Yo I just OJ Simpsoned the fuck out of my girlfriend. You know the OJ Simpson
His friend: No way that’s so cool.

by IEatCat420 March 8, 2019

oj’s lawyer

what you say when you’re caught in a lie.. like a little helper

yall always think i’m lying, gonna make me call oj’s lawyer”

by Saucedawg January 5, 2022

oj braszku

ywa się w zdaniach kiedy czujesz sie oszołomiony po zaistniałej sytuacji.

kiedy gs idzie np: ulicą
‚oj braszku jego dupa made me hipnotized

by przyszla.zona.gs November 7, 2020

oj braszku

owa którego się używa kiedy jesteś oszołomiony zaistniałą sytuacją.

kiedy gs idzie np: ulica
‚oj braszku jego dupa made me hipnotized

by przyszla.zona.gs November 7, 2020

cruise oj

Ridin' through Old Jamestown in North County Saint Louis, usually smoking marijuana. Many of the young locals participate in this activity, a pastime of NoCo.

"Yo, dude! Dealer just came through, let's go cruise OJ!"

by The HenceSP September 19, 2017

international day of OJ

A day where OJ is celebrated, loved, and admired. Citrus enthusiasts will drink OJ furiously and passionately through miniature straws or intelligently sipping it in a wine glass. Traditional International day of OJ activities include (but not limited to): swimming in orange juice, staring at oranges, dodgeball with oranges, basketball with oranges, dancing with oranges, and kickball with oranges. Activities at OJ festivals are followed by a religious orange prayer and an feast filled with apples, bananas, grapes, mango, and raspberries.

Dude 1: “knock knock
Dude 2: “who’s there”
Dude 1: “ orange
Dude 2: “ orange who”
Dude 1: “knock knock”
Dude 2: “who’s there”
Dude 1: “orange”
Dude 2: “orange who”
Dude 1: “knock knock”
Dude 2: “who’s there”
Dude 1: “ orange”
Dude 2: “ orange who”
Dude 1: “knock knock”
Dude 2: “who’s there”
Dude 1: “ orange”
Dude 2: “ orange who”
Dude 1: “knock knock”

Dude 1: “knock knock”
Dude 2: “who’s there”
Dude 1: “ orange”
Dude 2: “ orange who”
Dude 1: “knock knock”
Dude 2: “who’s there”
Dude 1: “orange”
Dude 2: “orange who”
Dude 1: “knock knock”
Dude 2: “who’s there”
Dude 1: “ orange”
Dude 2: “ orange who”
Dude 1: “knock knock”
Dude 2: “who’s there”
Dude 1: “ orange”
Dude 2: “ orange who”
Dude 1: “Yo you going to to the International Day of OJ festival tomorrow?”
Dude 2: “Hell yea”

by orangecitrusorange September 2, 2022