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Kailye pause

The pause that your best friend kailye does in between the words oh and my god

Oh (kailye pause) my god

by Kailye is my bestie July 30, 2023


Deja Vu, but with Pop Culture Reference. Or you read or see something and suddenly have to stop and think about the reference.

When I was watching the New Spider-Man, I Meta-Paused after they mentioned something I didn't get. I couldn't get it out of my head the entire film and was unable to get the reference until I looked it up later.

by Ska_Tea May 20, 2024

jar pause

Waiting to drop money into a tip jar until the person/people you are tipping are looking on, thus ensuring they witness your act of generosity. Not to be confused with "jar paws".

"The cashier had her back turned when I took out my tip money, so I totally jar paused."

by caseyLA February 8, 2007


Unintentionally pausing a video at the precise frame least flattering to the participant/s, e.g. resulting in the appearance of a gurning or mongoloid expression.

The viewer is invited to imagine a low-res video of the State of the European Union (SOTEU) address, paused during a crowd shot. "Look at the Pause-Job on Angela Merkel, has she suffered a stroke!?"

by Samuel_Johnson's_lovechild May 7, 2021

Power pause

Its when you in class get to move around and take a break, and your mind just gets completely reset and youre now ready to learn new things!

The Power pause was so nice, it really helped!

by Cuggi April 10, 2018


Pause” used to reverse (as well as acknowledge) an initial homosexual comment.

Example: “That thing is big, “pause

by everyonewordsknowsme June 23, 2024

Pause Talkin

When someone pauses for moment after every word as they're talkin.

If. You. Don't. Get. The. Fuck. Outta. Here.

Ooooooh you pissed him off man, you got that nigga pause talkin.

by Gaijin834 April 30, 2020