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Percussion Rinse

When you're Beating your guy off and you get Jizz in your Hair

I got a mean Percussion Rinse last night when Jon finished in my hair!

by StarCloud203 August 3, 2024

Percussion Rinse

When you're beating your dude off and he Jizzes in your Hair

Got a mean percussion rinse last night when Trey got it in my hair!

by StarCloud203 August 3, 2024

Percussion Rinse

A definitive set of percussion sounds, signifying transition or moving through with in a song.

Noun; there was a percussion in that verse prior to the chorus

Verb; The drummer added a percussion rinse to that song

by Cynduck August 20, 2024

The Rinse of Death

1. To be rinsed of life

"To die on Tekken is to suffer the rinse of death"

by JonnyP September 16, 2006

1👍 7👎

Rinse and Run

When a person exits a washroom after only briefly rinsing their hands with no soap or concern.

Timmy- "I have to go to the washroom. I'll be back"
Jane - "okay"
5 min later...
Jane - "hey timmy that was quick!"
Timmy - "yeah I just did a rinse and run"

by Meaky January 8, 2011

Dawg rinse the .40

The action taken when you catch your girl or your lil movie on a sneaky link.

Ume believe i catch movie ... dont worry dawg rinse the .40

by Town242 June 29, 2021