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the greatest disco in galway, hosted on an astro, in castlegar.

you going tribe?” “ya, sure tribe is where it’s at”

by tribe.ambassador April 19, 2022

marcus tribe

A tribe of stupid apes that say "bru" at the end or the beginning of a sentence.

yo bro did you see the marcus tribe, they were running around someone man

by Costy99 November 14, 2020

Fitzpatrick skin tribe

Fitzpatrick skin tribes are broken into 3 sections, tribe 1, tribe 2, and tribe 3. Since there are 6 skin tones within the Fitzpatrick scale, type 1 and 2 skin tones fall into tribe 1. Type 3 and 4 skin tones fall into tribe 2. Type 5 and 6 skin tones fall into tribe 3.

I would fit into Fitzpatrick skin tribe 2 because my skin tone is type 3.

by Dreudian July 5, 2023

Kenyan Tribe

When u form a line with 20 or more people, play shitty music, and tell people about how awful your life was back in Kenya. (Even though most people in the line have never been to or thought about going to Kenya)

Guy: Look at those idiots walking down the street playing that god awful music. If they continue I'll be forced to get the rope and end my life
Other Guy: That's the Kenyan Tribe. Those idiots are only out once every 15 years.

by The_real_Mustard_man667 August 1, 2017

Wacaslofa tribe

Alfeefi's tribe located in South Africa and the main enemy of the Wakalaka tribe.

I am the great Alfeefi from the Wacaslofa tribe of the southern jungles of Africa.

by Theheighter April 21, 2023

tribes server

A group of Vikings looking to a future together, whatever that holds.

are we waiting for the next big update to start our "tribes server"?

by spawnValheim March 26, 2021

Urban Tribe

A group of friends in a City that you can tell all your thoughts.

My urban tribe loves hearing about my podcast

by gayisbrave August 30, 2023