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Wheat meat

The word can be used as calling someone fake, scrawny or weak. This word is used negatively

“Watch out for those wheat meats😣.”
“Stop being a little wheat meat.”
“Bros built like a wheat meat.”

by JKJIZZY April 24, 2024

Wheat Penny

A type of penny that was minted from 1909 to 1956 and was one year, made of steel.

YOOO I FOUND A FUCKING WHEAT PENNY WTF!!!????? Person 2: bro that isn't even that rare...

by Jimmisphere May 4, 2021

Beast Wheat

A slang term used to describe something exceptionally cool, neat, awesome, or amazing. Often used to emphasize that whatever is being referred to is on a whole new level of greatness.

"That new song you played? Total Beast Wheat!"

by The Great Distractor September 17, 2024

Shredded Like Mini Wheats

Being insanely ripped, defined, muscular, veiny, and/ or striated. In a simpler sense, extremely shredded.
Direct reference to the shredded wheat cereals.

Jenna/ X Factor: Qin and Nickolitus, We're so dripping. No CF anywhere.

Qin: That's cause we're shredded like mini wheats.

Nickolitus: Just Look at our six packs.

by Daddy Long Snake August 2, 2010

Harry Wheat

Harry wheat is a big chubby boy with lots of curly hair and a humongous cock, like astronomically big, and a sexy ass beard.

Have you seen chad, he’s such a Harry wheat.

by Harry Wheats Son April 6, 2023

wheat tits

a nickname you can recieve after flashing a guy and allowing him to feel your tits. supposedly they feel quite hairy.

max: "man, vince had some impressive wheat tits."

jerry: "really? i'll have to rustle my hands through them the next time i see him."

by woggzy July 2, 2019