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Internet scurvy

1. A common occurrence when a person playing (often games) on the internet neglects to eat or drink food for a long enough period that they die or their body atrophies to a husk.

2. A tragic plague that struck many internet pirates after limewire went down

"Did you hear about that Korean Starcraft player?"
"No what?"
"He died of internet scurvy in an internet cafe surrounded by food after playing starcraft for 40 hours"

by Captain Book January 24, 2013

fake internet feud

a completely unreal and planned quarrel between two consenting parties in communication through the full feud period. The online fight is just silly and for fun.

Emery Van Sickle and Max Young August 30th 2022 is an example of a fake internet feud

by sl4ywh4ty0uw4nn4sl4y August 31, 2022

fake internet feud

a completely made up and and fake online quarrel that has no grounds in the real world and doesn’t actually exist

max young and emery van sickle on August 30th 2022 “yeah that’s a fake internet feud”

by sl4ywh4ty0uw4nn4sl4y August 31, 2022

fake internet feud

a completely made up and and fake online quarrel that has no grounds in the real world and doesn’t actually exist

max young and emery van sickle on August 30th 2022 “yeah that’s a fake internet feud”

by sl4ywh4ty0uw4nn4sl4y August 31, 2022