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Chuckle poop

It's when your scrolling through your phone while sat on the dunny and you see something that makes you laugh out loud and the motion squeezes a poop out!

Yo dude, I was curling one out on the dunny when you sent that meme through, I laughed so hard at it, I did a chuckle poop

by chiken-lover March 26, 2022

Chuckle Ducking

I had a dream that this meant surfing while naked

"I went to the beach last night but someone was chuckle Ducking on the water"

by Raddyguy July 20, 2023


when a cute giggle comes out of a girl in the form of a squad of male swimmers consecutively coming out of the water for air

hurp hurp hurp hurp, "That man-chuckle was performed flawlessly, 10.0"

by Voa February 24, 2015

Chuckles Revenge

This is when you fuck a whore and besides a pungent odor you begin to feel slight burning on shaft of cock. Also a white chunky discharge might be seen. This is due to whore fucking a sadistic womanizer recently who purposely doesnt clean his uncircumcised dick before fucking. It is said he gives a erie HA HA HA right after pulling out.

Bro 1-You hear what happened to JD?
Bro 2-Yeah he banged that whore on end of street. She gave him some weird STD. Also he kept saying he heard this creepy laugh as he doubled over in pain.
Bro 3- Sounds like Chuckles Revenge. Could be the clap to Im no doctor.

by THE JERALDS LOVE HANK January 18, 2023

chuckle jizzle

when you laugh so hard you jizz a little bit

That band is so funny it will make you chuckle jizzle.

by green.monk.ey January 5, 2015