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Ski Doop

To do something swiftly, quickly, or excellently. Also "To Do".

Damn dawg. She just Ski Dooped that job like a pro.

by Trap Niggggg April 10, 2010

Shnoobaloopadopbity snoop doop

When there’s a little bit a poop on the inside of your butt

Person 1: Damn bro, I got a shnoobaloopadopbity snoop doop.

Person 2: Gross dude

by Objecttown July 8, 2023

eat it off your face, doop

when u send someone to consume more than clout

“alllrightt.. eat it off your face, doop!”

by sretaw, trebor May 22, 2022


When you manipulate concrete to reach a few different levels

We're going to have to swoop-a-doop this shit to make it reach a few different levels

by T Wade Concrete November 6, 2020

doop doop

Doop doop means your gay

Oh my god he is doop doop

by kingslurp December 14, 2018