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Royally Doinked

When a home boy has too many doinks and starts saying irrelavent yet seemingly funny things.

Home boy 1: Yo Jerome, you good dawg?
Home boy 2: Nah boy I'm royally doinked
Home boy 1: whatchu mean
Home boy 2: how the hell they fit a whole watermelon in a can?

by Vanilla jello puddin pops July 15, 2019


Another name for a gay person generally used by italians

Hey I never that you were a Fa-doink I should introduce you to my brother he's one too.

by kyle saint August 10, 2021

lil doink boof wood

The all mighty pumpkin. The pumpkin god of all of the world.

Bro that pumpkin is lil doink boof wood

by Pumpkinlover6969 October 1, 2018