Source Code

picks me up

An action where you boyfriend picks you up, your heart starts racing and you forget how to breathe.

When he touches your face it takes your breathe

When he picks me up, I almost forgot how to breathe

by Sass72 November 3, 2021

pick up a cake

Attempting to make sexual advances advances towards another, often ones that are unwelcome, inappropriate, or predatory. Often done without the person's consent or against their will.

"Did you see that guy over by the swings? He was trying to pick up a cake sitting alone on the bench. She looked really uncomfortable, and he wouldn't take the hint to leave her alone."

by Purplax May 9, 2024

Pick up Stix

When two men scissor, with full penetration.

Each man places his legs in a Y configuation, and they both simultaneously penetrate each other.

Man, you gotta be careful not to torsion a testicle when doing Pick up Stix.

by Doboy July 15, 2017

Pick up a song

When a musical artist unreleases/takes back a song.

Pick up a song: J. Cole released 7 Minute Drill then picked it up 2 days later.

by HydroChicken June 30, 2024

Pick up a song

When a musical artist releases a song but unreleases/takes it back.

Pick up a song: J. Cole dropped 7 Minute Drill, then picked it up 2 days later.

by HydroChicken June 30, 2024

Pick-up-till-put-down Syndrome

A disease caught by picking up too many cards in UNO when playing by the rule "Pick up until you can put down" when needing a card.

Michael:"I Change colour to Blue"
Nick: "Darn."
Nick: (picks up card)
Nick: (picks up card)
Nick: (picks up card)
Nick: (picks up card)
Nick: (picks up card)
Nick: (picks up card)
John: "Oh damn."
Nick: (picks up card)
Nick: (picks up card)
Nick: (picks up card)
Nick: (picks up card)
Ash: Bro he's got Pick-up-till-put-down Syndrome!
Nick: (picks up card)
Nick: Finall-wait nevermind.

by NinjaSlayer_936 January 2, 2021

pick-up god

A pick-up God is someone who uses pick-up lines on bitches in order to get "sucked". The pick-up god averages getting bopped 5 times a day. He has 4 Demi-gods who use his pick up lines to get top.

"Hey you dropped something... My jaw"

"Wow pick-up god I want to bop you"

by SwaggyP69 March 16, 2014