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Rally bait

Someone that totally sucks at life. Cookie Monster would never be rally bait because when he sees a cookie he takes it. Someone who is rally bait is less like Cookie Monster and more like Oscar. Oscar never leaves the trash can, he just waits for someone to come by and pops out with a grumpy face and no cookies.

“Don’t leave your cookies out, that guy will take them.”

Nah, he’s just some rally bait.”

by Yuengling drinker August 27, 2019

Wendy Rally

When you start your shift at Wendy's, the late-great Dave Thomas asks that you come with an A+ attitude. Get ready to be a team player and provide that Top Shelf service Wendy's is known for. This mental preparedness is known as the 'Wendy Rally'.

Dave Thomas' brother, John Thomas, was part of the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights in 1979. This was the first organized national march for gay rights.

As assistant general manager for the Wendy's in Las Cruces (Store 406), I require my employees to leave their grievances outside and Wendy Rally as they get ready to prepare our signature square patty (always fresh, never frozen) burgers.

by <>< thefishkid June 24, 2020

bar rally

A type of bar crawl that hits more than 8 bars-12 bars, the kind of experience you’re expected to not be able to remember

hey, let’s turn this crawl into a bar rally!

by Randomrbshkebfjs endlemx June 10, 2024

rally gene

The DNA which allows one to get wasted one night, recover, and then get one's drink on the next night.

Craig: Adam, you want to go to the club tonight and get our drink on?

Adam: Dude, I got wasted last night. Once I became 33 years old, my rally gene left my body. I can't get my drink on two nights in a row.

by Anti AMac November 16, 2007

rally hug

when you're hugging a girl, and you go down with your hands and grab her ass

mike- "yo I so rally hugged Jenna today"
nick-"oh no way man how that ass tho?"

by volleyballqueen December 10, 2015

Rishi Ralli

A very handsome dude of India

He's Rishi Ralli of Australia

by February 6, 2021