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quote day

A day where dumb people named kade use quotes

Friday 25th june is quote day

by Nout re fly June 24, 2021

Quote fishing

Quote fishing is a word referring to the act of somebody posting or making a “quote” that they think is meaningful but in actuality it’s just forced, on their story with the hope of it being screenshot and going “viral”

Example include: “iF yOu diDn’T sPEak tO mE in LOcKdOWn dOn’T sPeaK to mE aT scHOol”

She thought she was doing sum with that but you can clearly tell she’s “quote fishing

by Not toomz September 9, 2020

Quote fiend

Someone who is obsessed with posting quotes all the time, but takes no action.

Fiend: an enthusiast or devotee of a particular thing

Posts 100 quotes on social media about getting out the hood. Still doesn’t do anything about it.

You’re such a “quote fiend

by Black Bezos July 3, 2021

Don quote

A sentence from one of your friends that is so stupid but funny, it becomes quotable.

The music is too loud, I can’t see anything!”
“Don quote!”

by lobo99 August 12, 2021

Air quotes

Used to emphasise a particular word in a sentence when speaking to draw attention to it not being used in the actual sense

I am totally(with air quotes) going to Meki's wedding.

by JB Delaine June 8, 2019