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Tribe check

A form of tribalism. This occurs when an individual questions what tribe you belong to, as a way of determining your compatibility with their tribe. If the tribes aren't compatible, both parties may be subject to awkwardness, unease, and even confrontation.

*watching football with coworkers*
Douchey coworker: "so, new guy, what's your team?"
New guy: "...don't really appreciate you tribe checking me in front of everyone like that dude"

by didntwantapseudonym October 14, 2019

Tribe Monkey

A derogatory word for a person of a black ethnicity of any nationality.

I have no love for Tribe Monkeys.

by Takenohi September 30, 2020

Tribe Friday Street Cult

The Tribe Friday Street Cult, a small cult of 100 people that will spread the word of Tribe Friday to the masses, and also helped spread the message of Tribe Friday's newest album Bubblegum Emo.
EST 19th May 2022

Friend: What's the Tribe Friday Street Cult?
Me: The Tribe Friday Street Cult is to help spread the word of Tribe Friday. One example was spreading the word of Bubblegum Emo.

by Tribe_Friday July 21, 2022

Suckondeez Tribe

The Suckondeez Tribe was an ancient East African Tribe that prospered along river banks. They used lobster nets to capture food and rummaged the forests for berries. They are known for being deep oh so very deep in the wilderness of the African continent.

“ The Suckondeez Tribe is my favorite tribe because they suck on my nuts mouth and ass”

by Diggings June 19, 2022

bonga tribe

bonga tribe is one of the best tribes, with kind and smexy people, a queen and her wife.
the bonga tribe was created by miss loona, a smexy and kind lady.

- "did you hear about the new tribe?"
- yes, i heard it name is "bonga tribe", it is an amazing tribe.

by subbie's chick February 22, 2021

The Tuadose Tribe

The Tuadose people were a native Brazilian tribe that lived from 311 AD- 414 AD. They are known for their very advanced ways of war. They killed anyone that got in their path with no issue. They showed no mercy and were very cruel. They were later killed off from a highly contagious and deadly disease of Ligma.

Person 1: I wish the Tuadose tribe was still alive.
Person 2: I’ve never heard of that tribe before, who were they?
Person 1: tuadose nuts in your mouth

by RMcC832 April 24, 2023

tribe smackaho

Smack that ho.

"He's from tribe smackaho"

by Shaboopi496 October 28, 2017