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Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey is a plane of existence, Higher than anything imaginable. It can only be reached by the most worthy students of the Spacey doctrine.

Kevin Spacey is my son

by Kevin Spacey's father November 14, 2017

Kevin Spacey

1. Disgraced scene-stealer in The Usual Suspects or Se7en and Oscar winning star of American Beauty.

2. An actor, otherwise artist or person who is unfortunately brilliant despite piss-poor or illegal habits, behaviours or qualities.

1. "Kevin Spacey is a brilliant actor but unforgivable sex-pest."

2. "Our new midfielder was top goal scorer in the Championship, last year."

"Yes, it's a pity he's a right Kevin Spacey."

by Tu Mushroom October 1, 2022

Kevin Chitty

The love of my life, a one hit wonder. The man of my dreams and the perfect example of what every man should be.

I love you Kevin Chitty”
Adhere to Bethany

by Dwindle June 8, 2022

Kevin Golightly

A very cool person who often gay and plays on the Xbox one. They are often a jock that things they are better than anyone cause they play sports. They also suck at every video game they touch

That Kevin Golightly kid, he’s a fag.

by xLedzep March 29, 2019

Pulling a Kevin Spacey

A pedophile coming out as gay.

Did you hear NFL coach Kevin Maxen just came out? Yeah, but who cares? He must be pulling a Kevin Spacey.

by bannedfromfacebookagain July 22, 2023