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Blood Brothers

When two or more guys fuck the same female during that time of the month or

The term for the collection of men who have shared the same bloodly vagina

Dude i think Ashley made us blood brothers

by Meekis36 November 11, 2020

coconut brothers

Two or more very close friends form a pact by placing their testicles on a large stone and smashing their testicles with coconuts. The testicles will not be able to function, resulting in no further procreation. Coconut brothers is a bond that will last a lifetime and will be cherished between the brothers

Yoo dude you wanna become coconut brothers?

by brugley August 21, 2021

bestest buddatious brothers

Its a word for ONLY Ezra and Kadiff

wanna go hangout with the bestest buddatious brothers? they are super cool and they have huge weiners

by saswizard June 8, 2023

Your brother aint gonna be a father

This insult is very dangerous and its ten times more effective than your sister a mister

This insult was used on Stephen Hawking.

Person A: your mom gay

Person B: Your granny tranny
Person A: Your brother aint gonna be a father

*the whole universe collapses*

by ravjeeet March 19, 2018