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Liver botherer

A particularly lengthy john thomas, todger, willy, wanger, ding-dong or langer.

“You’re walking strangely today, is your stomach okay?”
“My date last night had a liver botherer, I might need some time to recover”

by DCor January 20, 2023

Liver botherer

A particularly lengthy john thomas, langer, todger, willy, ding-dong, or wotsit, which reaches as far as your lover’s liver.

“You’re walking a bit funny, is your stomach okay?”
“My date last night had a liver botherer, I might need some time to recover”

by DCor January 20, 2023

Lambs Livers

Canadian Author, who at the age of 26 murdered his biological father ( Steven Livers ) for stealing a book idea. Lambs Livers subsequently sold the story for a lump sum of cash.

Lambs Livers is now serving out a 15 year prison term for 2nd degree murder in Kingston, Ontario.

by Sandra Olms September 2, 2008

crop liver

Someone who makes a stupid/silly mistake or typo. Comes from the pet site Neopets.

He is total crop liver.

by HCer February 25, 2010

lean liver

someone who has such an intimate attachment to LEAN they would give up their life if given the choice between 1 million dollars and LEAN.

oh my god, did you hear about Amy? she chose to live the life of a LEAN Liver!

by Butterflymoss June 12, 2022

flood your liver

Get drunk, offen a hypocrite that thinks drinking is healthier than smoking

Go flood your liver, cunt

by CNTFKD December 26, 2018