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not today you turd

A saying you say to someone you really really hate.

"Not today you turd, lol."

by That_one_weabo April 9, 2018

snacktime comes early today boys

something you say right before you and some buddies are about to hunt some dragons or kill a large group of zombies

Jake: Oh shit...we're done for.

Sabre Jackson: Snacktime comes early today boys.

Jake: Okay...let's do this.

by echo 9 May 2, 2007

1👍 7👎

I'm feeling sunny today

Ok so this word cand have two separate meanings
1. Your feeling very bright and bubbly much like the sun
2. You wanna jump off a hospital building as my time by bo en plays in the background/hj

Person 1:I'm feeling sunny today
Person 2:oh are you ok?????

by KEI RLLY LIKES OMORI October 18, 2023

You gonna learn Today

Your goin to learn the lesson that is giving at that very moment.

(Jenny)But I don't know how to suck dick

(Him) you gonna learn Today.

by December 6, 2022

Today ur gonna die


Person one: Today ur gonna die, say goodnight!
Person two: (Nothing) Bc Their DEAD

by QuaterX3 June 20, 2023

Not today heifer

When you feel pulled into other people's drama, you might think this.

Not today heifer, not my pasture, not my problem.

by Westsideisbestside August 4, 2022

Yesterday Today

Used during that awkward timeframe where you've stayed awake past midnight, and thus the "today" in your head is technically yesterday

At 3am

Friend 1: Yesterday today was amazing

Friend 2: Please just say today, I know what you're talking about

by Stella_Star September 20, 2022