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Side burns

The razor burn acquired shaving your bikini line.

I got some side burns going on getting ready for the pool today.

by Roxistar July 10, 2023

Peter Burns

A nickname given to male public utility worker who climbs up and down utility poles.

Don't drive your car too close to that pole. Peter Burns is up there.

by BBaxterUSA March 16, 2021

Burning tickle

A sensation that is a cross between the feeling of a tickle and a burn like when you run your ice cold hand under warm water.

Try a slow scratch on the bottom of your foot, it will give you a burning tickle.

by puppywoof October 9, 2020

view of a burning city

best screamo band ever.

i love view of a burning city

by 江泽民 September 19, 2022

burning anger

when you get so mad you start to burn like an oil refinery in a thunderstorm.
or a tiger on fire. it is the ultimate definition of anger and rage, so much so that you begin breaking walls,
rapidly spouting insults, and turn fully red.

this guy just f---in killed me in cod, i have deep burning anger.

by Naxalite October 13, 2023

Make out burn

When your throat hurts after making out with someone, and its not mono

"Damn I got make out burn after making out with brad!"

by Queenofanyandeverything February 2, 2016

Disney Burn

Noun. A combination of contact dermatitis and an abrasion usually affecting the inner thighs. This type of irritation/brush burn is a direct result of walking around the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, or Animal Kingdom in hot and humid weather. Prevention is accomplished by being in reasonable physical shape before undertaking the task of wandering around for miles on foot in these theme parks during hot weather. Treatment is accomplished using zinc oxide ointment followed by a period of rest.

Madison's mom is walking around in pain today because of a nasty case of Disney Burn.

by Vman0000 February 12, 2013