Source Code

Payment Event

A payment event is the new way to refer to everything that happens before, during and after a transaction.

"Hey Mr. Bank Boss, if we don't look at these transactions as payment events we'll be missing important context."

by modonaut October 12, 2017

Jaws (event)

A period (menstruation)

Person 2: why do you look so down?
Person 1: Jaws (event) is starting tomorrow

Person 2: oh shit, if you need any tampons just ask

by GalacticKiwi November 14, 2021

Not a fun little event

When Wii Sports Club forgets the blue ridge at the top of the spine's box art.

Adam: Hey, have you played Wii Sports Club?
Gary Bob Saget: I would but the spine is not a fun little event.
Adam: Are you talking about the game in general?
Gary Bob Saget: No, just the spine.
Adam: What the fuck?
Gary Bob Saget: Wha?
Adam: You won't play a game because of the spine?
Gary Bob Saget: yea.

by CombsRKewl September 30, 2020

Popup Event

A slang term for a large gathering of fake Jeeter products in or in a suburb of Houston, TX

The popup event last night had shitty vendors. All I could find were Fryds and Polka dot bars

by Ilovemid September 25, 2023

public events associate

(n.) Someone who picks up horse shit at a parade

The public events associate was responsible for cleaning up after the clydesdales after the fourth of july parade was finished.

by middie xo4 May 1, 2011

AG Events

He is that friend who is friends with everyone.
Will 10/10 be the best travelling partner.
Knows when you need a break and prepares
a perfect plan for it. Also knows the route of every destination, as well as your heart.

"Bro, AG Events is the OG when it comes to trips"

by Xyz;) November 24, 2021

thermal event

An exothermic reaction where large amounts of smoke are generated but no flames are observed.

My house was subject to a thermal event and was reduced to ashes. I didn't see it, so it must not have been a fire.

by coldandbothered November 17, 2010