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Colombian Deathsquad

Where you eat raw coffee grinds and shake your stomach until you are either caffeinated or puke. Whichever one comes first, it is sure to wake you up.

Yo, Anwar needs to wake up - someone should order him a Colombian Deathsquad

by Siggur February 19, 2021

Colombian Rim Job

Where someone inserts cocaine into their partners or another persons anus and snorts it out.

Hey, that chick gave me a Colombian Rim Job last night!

by Questtttt January 5, 2022

Colombian Poke

A firm slap on the butt.

I wasn't sure if she liked butt stuff so i Colombian poked her

by Chilly April 17, 2015

Colombian Straight Pipe

The action of taking a girl and shoving her torso in the truck of a vehicle. Proceed to blow her back out, and at the moment of climax, yank out ur dong and shove it into her asshole.

I did that thing you told me to try with my girl last night, it had her screaming like a Colombian Straight Pipe

by DomDaddyyyy April 4, 2021

Colombian Telegram

Calling a hookup the morning after to meet over coffee to discuss things.

I can't believe he gave me a Colombian Telegram after our one night stand.

by Jamaican Morse Cose February 17, 2014

Colombian JUJU

Having sex in the leap frog or prone position while both partners consume cocaine that was smuggled in a coconut. The last line of coke shall be poured on her back. Approaching climax, the man snorts the last line of cocaine and then cums in the coconut shell. Add rum into the coconut shell so both partners can enjoy a Colombian juju on the rocks.

Kevin: Trey, what was that drink you gave me last night? It was delicious.

Trey: Danielle and I made a Colombian JUJU and couldn't drink all of it.

by colombianjux2 February 10, 2022