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fucked in the bitch

To be seriously fucked, fucked over. Is more commonly said as "effed in the B".
Specifically, it means to be fucked in an almost conical way which is almost funny, or to be fucked more than usual.

Jimmy: Damn, 2020 sucks
Arnold: yeah, we were really fucked in the bitch this year.

Dave: my rent is so damn high
Bob: I heard the raised it
Dave: motherfuck
Bob: I'm screwing around
Dave: eff you in the B.

I had a hard time on level 15, the boss really fucked me in the bitch

by Dat boi. September 27, 2020

I'm gonna fuck this bitch!

Said by The Naked Ninja aka"James Cameron" before pissing himself performing a rolling cartwheel.This celebration of excitement due to the release of his movie Avatar: The Way Of Water, will be remembered for years to come.

I'm gonna fuck this bitch!

by BoyzB4measure11 July 21, 2023