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Someone suffering from one of the lesser-known side effects of asbestos exposure, namely being a massive, drooling pervert.
Common side-effects include a tendency to chubbuck.

Stop being such an enormous asbesto-perv, its only yoga!

by chrysotile1 May 14, 2021

Jerv The Perv

The infamous dick gobbler that is known for roaming the streets of Chester with her wizardry man sausage tickling.

Jerv the perv innit

by Jervtheperv January 9, 2019

Library perve

Is usually a male with glasses of Caucasian decent that makes use of libraries to talk to attractive women. He descises himself as a student and tends to sit in front of heavy literature such as quantum mechanics or medicine books in order to seem more intelligent. Other then approaching women in clubs or bars, the library perve systemically “hunts“ in the setting of knowledge. Possibly universities, book reading sessions or chess clubs. He is often illeterate, but possesses a dangerously elevated libido. The “Library Perve” is not to be confused with the classical and more common “Library creep.”

Sarah: “Today a guy approached me in the library and asked if I wanted to go for a coffee. His name was Sebastian”

Lisa: “be careful! he also approached me yesterday and two of my
friends the day before! He is a library perve!”

Monica: “Today I saw a guy who was checking out every girl‘s ass walking by! He was on the same page of his medicine book for three hours!“

Catherine: “That must of been a library perve!“

by Luigi Figo January 19, 2018

Belt Perve

A person who gets off from whipping, choking or binding his submissives with a belt.

George was a total belt perve that got a taste of his own medicine when Julie whipped him with a belt.

by Sean schmidt April 18, 2017

Perve prang

A fender bender that is the result of perving on a distractingly good looking person outside the car. Whilst perving, you run into the back of the car in front of you, resulting in thousands of dollars of damage. Bonus points are awarded if he/she gives you their number... which isn't likely.

"What happened to your car man?"
"Just a perve prang... I didn't get her number but it was totes worth it"

by WRX4SALE December 27, 2011

Perv Goggle

Verb. When a person goes anywhere in public and gets creepily stared at by the opposite sex for an extended and uncomfortable period of time. The goggling is perpetrated by a creepy person. The term goggle represents large, wide eyes;

I’m walking out of the store. I got perv goggled so bad in there.

by Ikkinay Elaneyday September 4, 2022